Multistation Digital and Additive Manufacturing
Widening applications of Digital and Additive Manufacturing

The implementation of Digital and additive manufacturing into full scale manufacturing and production has recently accelerated
Due to recent advancements in Digital and Additive manufacturing we have teamed up with Multistation, one of Europe’s leading providers on both New and Pre-Owned:
- Stand-alone or turnkey packages of 3D devices for “fablabs” and academic facilities.
- Non Metal additive manufacturing.
- Metal additive manufacturing.
Both New and Pre-owned equipment are available complete with full consulting services via ADDITIV3X additive manufacturing consulting comprising:
- Integration of additive manufacturing
- Technical diagnosis
- Feasibility studies
- Proof of concept
- Benchmarking, digital library
- Support for successful implementation.
For UK or EIRE enquiries relating to Multistation Digital and Additive manufacturing please contact